Eric, try looking at the counties that supported Kerry and look at the housing prices and income. Then look at Bush and the housing prices and income. We are talking about a complete separation of social classes like I have never seen.
Sonoma Kerry 67% Bush31%
Napa Kerry 60% Bush 39%
San Francisco Kerry 83% Bush 16%
Santa Barbara Kerry 55% Bush 44%
Santa Clara Kerry 64% Bush 35%
Santa Cruz Kerry 73% Bush 25%
Monterey Kerry 60% Bush 39%
King Kerry 65% Bush 34%
Cook Kerry 70% Bush 29%
New York
Manhattan Kerry 82% Bush 17%
Arlington Kerry 68% Bush 31%
Arlington Kerry 68% Bush 31%
Check more at, they have them all now.
I am looking for counties anywhere that Bush carried by more than the 3 point spread where the education of the population exceeds the national average by any margin and the income exceeds the national average by any margin.