basketball fans? sporting fans?

Mo town
if you turned on the tv and watched espn or any news shows, did you happend to catch the craziness that ensued at the palace last night?

not sure how many of you are b-ball fans enough to watch, but i must say, the mass brawl was one of the biggest events i've been a part of. sheer craziness
I saw it on the news and ESPN this morning. What a brawl!! It made the hockey game I was at last night look like a church service!!!

It will be interesting to see what the NBA does. It was like some of those European football (soccer) matches a few years back.
Mo town
and of course the football players had to do make their own version.. how rediculious. i feel so bad for Lou Holtz. what a way to end a great 33 year career..
Lincoln, CA
As bad as going into the stands is, I think the NBA was too harsh on Artest. This is after reading the reports of the incident now that more investigation was done. Stephen Jackson should have the book thrown at him tho. The only thing that disturbs me is how easy Detroit, the team, is getting off as well as Ben Wallace.
[werd] on the ben wallace thing he was throwing a towel at artest after artest was calmed down... jackson didnt have any reason to go in on it, but i dont blame him for it....artest was imo punished too harshly...o'neil gets mad props for knocking the hell outta that one fan on the court that wouldn't shut the hell up...and the body guards too, just doing their job with those fans attacking their boss'
The NBA has become the home for a small number of overpaid basketball talents who otherwise would be street thugs. The money and fame has gone to their heads. And who is responsible? The fans who pay $200 a seat to fund them!


1000 Post Club
Fallujah, Iraq for now
Kirby said:
The NBA has become the home for a small number of overpaid basketball talents who otherwise would be street thugs. The money and fame has gone to their heads. And who is responsible? The fans who pay $200 a seat to fund them!
Whoa it there guy you are treading on thin ice with that is that to say I am an underpaid person with a job that would otherwise be a street thug if I didnt get a decent job? What about the lying punk fan that threw the cup and had the audacity to go on Good Morning America and make it seem like he didnt do anything to provoke the individual? The ESPN cameras do not lie. Because all those guys in pro sports may be pro atheletes but they are also human beings. Most of us WOULD NOT let someone throw something like that at us without some type of repercussion let alone be cursed at.......Yeah many pro atheletes come from less than austere backgrounds but many other people.....some very, very professional have done crazier things.......killing their wives, fighting the police, getting admitted to the Betty Ford clinic to name a few. Dont start pointing the finger and say it has gone to their heads. What I see in pro sports on a small scale I see in the clubs and bars(be they predominantly black, white, hispanic, or asian) almost every weekend in the states or europe or anywhere. The atheletes are just more visible. This is also nothing new to pro sports either......there were always brawls in the NBA and ABA look at what happened to Rudy Tomjanovich in 1977 with Kermit Washington, Kareem was always fighting, football used to have players getting killed in fistfights in the early 1900's because players were getting into fisticuffs(it took a presidential order to the colleges to establish a set of rules-hence pads and the forward cut back on the deaths). So it isnt anything new to sports.....not saying it was right or wrong just nothing new and both sides are to blame.........And I dont like Ron Artest for leaving Chi-town...LOL....but those Detroit fans are worse!(Chicago Fan for Life..LOL)
Sports fans can range from a casual observer to the overzealous fanatics. I saw this very interesting show on the Discovery channel called the "Human Zoo". It shows the research of group behavior. One interesting experiment, they setup a exam with a room full of actors. There was only one person actually taking the exam. Smoke was introduced into the room from the back door. All the actors continued to work and sit at there desk, while observing the behavior of the one person. Results were interesting, 9 of 10 people too continued to take the exam and pretend not to see the smoke and investigate. This is the power of group behavior and peer pressure. This can be compare to watching a live sporting event. But, coupled with high emotions, history of team rivaly, alcohol makes for a bad brew. But, this is not new to sports. What the fans did was wrong and went over the line when things were thrown. But, this should have been address by the stadium security. This was about "saving face" or being "disrespected" on the part of the players. What happen IMO was felony assault. I believe that the punishment was quite light on the part of NBA. I work for a financial firm. If something like this happened to me or even being convicted of a felony, I would have lost my job. Seem that celeb and elitist get off easy.
adrean8j said:
Whoa it there guy you are treading on thin ice with that is that to say I am an underpaid person with a job that would otherwise be a street thug if I didnt get a decent job? ......

.....(Chicago Fan for Life..LOL)
Easy dude! I'm talking about "a small number of overpaid basketball talents ..."

The only conclusion you can draw from that is A SMALL NUMBER of underpaid persons would be street thugs...Not ALL, MANY, OR MOST. And that can be extended to any pro sport, or any other part of society.

I still maintain that a big part of this problem in pro sports is caused by the glamor, fame and idolizing that takes place. Many players know how to handle it, A SMALL number don't. And yes it has been going on for years - BUT BETWEEN athletes, not fans and athletes.

Actually, for the most part, I think we are saying the same thing....

And I agree with Nataku. If something like this happened in my office, I would be expected to not escalate the problem and could be fired if I did. MILLIONS of people are held to that standard in their profession. So why is it wrong to expect the same of a professional athlete on the court, field, etc.?


1000 Post Club
Fallujah, Iraq for now
BimmerBaller said:
[duh] (adrean8j)
WTF is that supposed to mean???

All I am trying to say is tooooo easy to point at the "overpaid" athelete and say "he/she should know better". THEY ARE HUMAN....not SUPERHUMAN.....they bleed like us, feel like us, cry like us, laugh like us.......get upset like us......Does anyone notice that the NBA does not separate the players from the fans??? Have ANY of you had coke poured on you, batteries thrown at you, cups thrown, or curses hurled at you while you work? If you did would it wear down on your patience at times? Kirby you are right some of these "kids" are overpaid and from the "hood"........some of them might have become what you call "street thugs".......but as human beings they have not been trained or prepared for many of the things that come with the territory........not saying it is a trend or anything but I dont think many are ready for it mentally......Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony are the exception......they have been extensively prepped for Stardom........not so for people like Ron Artest who fought tooth and nail for what they have now..............ok thats enough typing for now...........Oh yeah and I still think the punk A$$ who threw the cup initially should have his cajones kicked into next year....but that is besides the point
The Skip Bayless ESPN Editorial Opinion article referenced says:

Forgive me for pointing this out, but the death toll was zero. Not one player or fan was seriously injured. Yes, this was a black eye for the NBA. But I couldn't see a single split lip.
Yet another ESPN news (not editorial) article says:
Paulson, 26, said he was punched by Jackson and assaulted by Artest. Weglarz said Paulson's family has had Pistons season tickets for about 25 years.

Paulson, who works in real estate, and Ackerman have been diagnosed with concussions from the brawl, Weglarz said.
You can find it here:

Therefore, according to Skip's editorial, a concussion is not a serious injury. Either that, or Skip Bayless is oblivious to own organization's news reports. [rolleyes]
Lincoln, CA
I wanna see it on video. There were brawls, but there were just 2 players up in those stands and many more fans who throwing punches and junk. I'm highly skeptical of anything those Detroit fans say. Ackerman's concussion was caused by a fellow fan. That just leaves Paulson. What grade concussion was it and can you prove on video that only Jackson caused it, or could it have been caused by another retarded fan.
