I think it's great that we have such a good community forum to exchange ideas. I always enjoy reading everyone's thoughts, getting to know differing ideas and opinions. Few boards do a better job of offering an intelligent and respectful place to exchange ideas in an adult way.
I think it is destructive for members of this board, much less a moderator, to take things personally and attack people personally--calling into question their personal experience and attacking it as "minimal." It's one thing to have an open forum for respectful dialogue of differing opinions. When it's made personal, we drive people away from this site, and lessen our community.
This forum is so much fun when we keep it clean. I say, let's keep the ideas and opinions coming, leave the personal attacks and derogatory remarks about members at home!
I think it is destructive for members of this board, much less a moderator, to take things personally and attack people personally--calling into question their personal experience and attacking it as "minimal." It's one thing to have an open forum for respectful dialogue of differing opinions. When it's made personal, we drive people away from this site, and lessen our community.
This forum is so much fun when we keep it clean. I say, let's keep the ideas and opinions coming, leave the personal attacks and derogatory remarks about members at home!
Big Daddy said:
This has gotten crazy. aNoodle says that Kerry has credentials, what are they? 20 years as a Senator with no record?
aNoodle said:
LOL. Nice rhetoric, BigD.
I'm no expert on senate history, but I know Kerry and McCain worked selflessly to close the chapter on our missing Vietnam vets. It was hard work, took years of staying the course. This is not like being a face man for a baseball team. These guys faught hard for our country as young men, I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is. It may not play well in sound bites, like mission accomplished, wanted dead or alive, or you're with us or against us. Kerry and McCain, without much fanfair, worked hard for our country not only during the war but after they got out of combat. They went on to help devistated families come to grips with thier missing loved ones. It's easy to play politics and erase a man's work. But Kerry and McCain worked hard as both soldiers of war as well as vietnam veterans and sentors. They have earned our nations respect.
I'm voting for John Kerry who will restore strength to the white house and respect for America abroad.
I'm no expert on senate history, but I know Kerry and McCain worked selflessly to close the chapter on our missing Vietnam vets. It was hard work, took years of staying the course. This is not like being a face man for a baseball team. These guys faught hard for our country as young men, I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is. It may not play well in sound bites, like mission accomplished, wanted dead or alive, or you're with us or against us. Kerry and McCain, without much fanfair, worked hard for our country not only during the war but after they got out of combat. They went on to help devistated families come to grips with thier missing loved ones. It's easy to play politics and erase a man's work. But Kerry and McCain worked hard as both soldiers of war as well as vietnam veterans and sentors. They have earned our nations respect.
I'm voting for John Kerry who will restore strength to the white house and respect for America abroad.
Big Daddy said:
I resent that remark. "I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is" considering my father's record! He served in the Korean War, WWII, and two COMPLETE tours in Vietnam! Not to mention Mcain has endorsed Bush, I guess he is not all that impressed with Kerry either. You sir are out of line and I am done responding to you!
And as my father and research show, Kerry was a hinderance to the POW/MIA move. So much for 20 years! POW/MIA
And as my father and research show, Kerry was a hinderance to the POW/MIA move. So much for 20 years! POW/MIA
aNoodle said:
My grandfather was a career naval officer. My father is a navy vietnam veteran. His brother, and my uncle, went to Annapolis. I'm glad, BigD, your family shares my family's commitment of service to this nation and is not amoung the people who do not appreciate what hard work that is. It's easy in politics to smear a man's record, much harder to walk into combat for your nation. McCain may be a Republican and support his party's candidate, but I would never in a million years take away from the respect he has earned.
I would never say a veratan of combat, like Kerry's service to this nation, has 'no credentials.' I would never even consider saying two senators, like Kerry and McCain, who worked tirelessly on Vietnam M.I.A.s have "no record."
I would never say a veratan of combat, like Kerry's service to this nation, has 'no credentials.' I would never even consider saying two senators, like Kerry and McCain, who worked tirelessly on Vietnam M.I.A.s have "no record."
aNoodle said:
You said you were done BigD....LOL....but you've twice edited your response. Since you're only beefing up on more disrespect for our combat veterans, now I am at a loss for words.
I will never allow partisan politics to sway me into believing it is right to disrespect men who put on our nation's uniforms and wnet into combat to protect our freedom. It's too easy for some to play politics with this, avoid service, and cast political stones at those who have walked the tough walk and done the hard work.
I support John Kerry for President. He is a man who doesn't demand respect, but has earned it.
I will never allow partisan politics to sway me into believing it is right to disrespect men who put on our nation's uniforms and wnet into combat to protect our freedom. It's too easy for some to play politics with this, avoid service, and cast political stones at those who have walked the tough walk and done the hard work.
I support John Kerry for President. He is a man who doesn't demand respect, but has earned it.
Big Daddy said:
YEah I made an edit 3 minutes after posting, so you can add time from the post, good. Nor did or do I dierepect any vetern that is not a traitor. What is your military experience, minimal? Do preach to me my father paid for your freedoms!And I said I was done responding to you, now I am.
aNoodle said:
I was born at Camp Zama in Kanagawa Ken, Japan while my father was serving this nation as a naval intelligence officer. My mother has told me of the sacrifices she made in prenatal care while carrying me and my brother. I need no lectures on service to country, sir. Bush and Cheney, on the other hand, might very well need it.
My respect for the men and women who wear the uniforms of our nation does not stop with any party affiliation. I would never smear the hard work of our combat veterans for political gain. They risked their lives to defend America. They have earned the minimal respect accorded anyone who puts life and limb on the line. To call John Kerry a traitor is traitorous to the ideals that have made this country great....and disrespects all those who serve this nation.
I support John Kerry for President. He will bring honorable service to the White House and restore respect for America abroad.
My respect for the men and women who wear the uniforms of our nation does not stop with any party affiliation. I would never smear the hard work of our combat veterans for political gain. They risked their lives to defend America. They have earned the minimal respect accorded anyone who puts life and limb on the line. To call John Kerry a traitor is traitorous to the ideals that have made this country great....and disrespects all those who serve this nation.
I support John Kerry for President. He will bring honorable service to the White House and restore respect for America abroad.