aNoodle said:
Agreed, maybe we should take the gun stuff elsewhere. My friend who is a cop would highly disagree, he thinks its absurd that we let convicted felons purchase guns and he lives in fear that some nut-job will get ahold of a military semi-automatic assault riffle obtained under the pretense of 'hunting.' The Fraser Institute study is highly misleading since its a study in Candana, Australia, and Great Britain which has about 1/1000th of the gun ownership as in America. The number of shooting deaths in all of GB last year you could count on your fingers and toes. That would be equivalent to just one of our large cities on a good month.
My own proposal is
A person wishing to have in their possesion any type of firearm, must
a. renew a firearms registration yearly for each firearm in their possesion.
b. obtain a license to own/purchase firearms by attending a firearms saftey course at least every 5 years and check out at a firing range annually. This license may be terminated with a conviction of any violent felony act and must go through an appeals process if it is to be reinstated. The licence will be controled at a federal level and will be used for instant verification of purchase elligibility for all gun shows and deallers (eliminating the brady bill). Contact information must be provided in writing within 30 days by the owner when the owner moves.
At least we aren't deeling with issues from the 1988 election where Dukakis was calling for a surrender of all handguns. In fact, gun control issues in this election are almost a non issue. It seems that this election is almost going to be all 9/11 issues (at least for the debates).
The Lott Report
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