aww, thanks guys. i feel sooo special.
the day started out crappy, but by the end, everything fell into place. (i was scrambling like crazy to sell the game 5 of the pistons playoffs today, since like 6 people bailed on me..
) but in the end, it all worked out, and i'm going to watch the Pistons close out the series, (hopefully) tomorrow.
i guess this is the icing on the cake?
anyway, i didn't know so many others shared the same b-day as me. congrats also goes out to: lfeiwel (50), hrsa2 (41), bfab3 (37), Triv (33), prosell (33), aryathis (32), northyork (32), mahegogo (28), Jake2929 (28), bimmerbrian (27), BubbaofPRSC (23), BMW_NUTTER (23), Bmwjockey (21), 528e (21), Steph (19) where ever you guys might be..