I'm lost - need help!

Ottawa, Canada
Guys please help me!! Here is the problem, my parents want me to get a computer science degree in uni, I have heard TOO MANY people say that there are NO jobs available in that field. I'm scared I will waste 4 years of my life on something that will get me nowhere! I don't know what I want to do really, even if I could get a job in that field I won't be able to stand being in front of the computer for the rest of my life! Please give me some suggestions on what jobs are fun and have a low lay-off percentage. I'm a going insane, I can't sleep now thinking what I should do![8]
Wayzata, MN
my parents want me to get a computer science degree as well. i told them programming sucks, end of story. i'm going to be a computer engineering major most likely. and well, i don' tknow too much about low-lay off percentages, but everyone loves someone who can network! goooooo cisco.

sorry dude, hope things work out for you.
Ottawa, Canada
I've been programming and messing with computers since like 9, it was fun at first, and now I realize it will not be so fun. I have a co-op program in Alcatel, I just go there for 2.5 hours a day and I already realized I can't stand a programming desk job!


2000 Post Club
Cleveland, OHIO
Do not take computer science unless you are already deep into computers from the start. People who should take this direction are those who have been hardcode into computers for more than 5 years and can align college education in perfecting what they already know. Starting from scratch is just not worth it anymore since too often you see people entering college smarter than those leaving it.

There are far too many "computer science" workers now adays as a consequence of the internet boom of the 90s. Good positions are hard to find and competition is increasing by the day.

A lot of poeple take general comptuer courses and I think thats a waste. If you want to make a good career you can take computers and some other classes that concentrate on one specific direction where yuo will be viewed more unique.

Do not go into computer science if you are just going for general view.
Wayzata, MN
networking is a blast, i hope i am behind a router 1/4 of my life, 1/4 on a mountain, 1/4 in bed (w/ and w/o beautiful women) and 1/4 behind a roundel on my steering wheel.

hows that for a major?
Ottawa, Canada
I know programming well enough, I've even took the 1st place in a college programming olympics this year. However I feel it is not for me.

Thanks for the ideas, I think I'm going to go ahead with the comp scinece and try working part-time in law enforcement or something, and see what I enjoy the most.

If worst comes to worst, I can always join the russain mafia![thumb] [drinking]
Nashville, Tn/Baton Rouge, LA
I thought forever that I was gonna go in to engineering, but not too long ago I realized it just wasn't for me. My whole family had been pushing me to be an engineer. Instead, I'm now doing Landscape Architecture in school (and no, it's not just choosing where to plant trees). I love it. It combines art and civil engineering. I've often thought of it as Civil Engineering with more creativity and less math. Hell, the highest math I have to take is trig.

Just choose what best suits you. Screw what people think you should do. It's not them doing it, it's you.

There are so many things to do. Just get into school and then see what floats your boat.
Ottawa, Canada
vlad said:
First, what are you interested in?

If you go into a field that has no interest to you, you're efforts/results will be less than your abilities.
I'm interested in a job that brings excitement, for example, I would LOVE to be a test driver or a race car driver - but I'm being realistic and know that to get into those jobs is next to impossible. I'm seriously considering law enforcement, or maybe a firefighter. Landscape architecture sounds interesting, I will look into that in detail!

Also, I have this strange attraction to jobs in the oil/gas industry - dunno why, but seeing oil pipelines in a James Bond movie got my attention for some reason[paranoid]
Yorba Linda, CA
I also used to love computers and wanted to pursue a carrer in computers but after taking this Programing class in high school (still in it) I grew a hatefull passion of computers. I do not in any way or form want a carrer with programing computers. Of cource my dad isnt to happy about this, he is a computer engineer and always wanted me to pursue a computer in computers. He even bought me one of those Lego Robotic kits to get me started. I am now pursuing (as of 2 months ago) options sutch as being a buisness exuctive or something with real estate.

We took those tests that tell you what job you are good for and I completely fell under the buisness area with a speciality in management. The job that had the heighest rating is Vice President of a major corperation. I always was a good group leader and the more I think about it this job would suit me. Although this job would use computers but I enjoy using Office products and am very computer literate I just would hate a job centered around computers.

Realistate was also on there but not as high, one of the things I like about it is not being tied to a desk. I enjoy going out and obvously I love driving, nessary when going to different houses wheather management or showing to clients. I have a passon for homes, design, and construction so it would also be a good carrer choice. When I turn 16 I am going to get my Realtors licence, all I have to do is take a test online and pay $50. I also know someone who is a realtor for Prudential and might be able to get me a internship wich could turn into a paying job. Since we just recently purchased a house I know know all about the job and a good idea of how to do it, just need the experence.

While I love design and not to brag but I am better thain many people who get payed to do it, but archetect is not a well paying job and I need money to pay for my car collection (think Jay Leno) and custom mansion off the beach.
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Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
Vlad is right. Do something you like. Otherwise before you know it you have 2 kids, an Expedition, a house, a pool, a lawnmower, spend money on things like vacuums [scream] , spend weekends repairing everything that broke during the week, and so on, and on, and on, and on.........making later career changes more difficult.

Not that all the responsibilities in life are all bad, but remember, you are the one that will be doing the work involved in your job all day, so do what you want. [;)]
Heidelberg, Germany
As far as computers go I would look at doing some network administration. I have been doing this for the military for the last 3 years and all in all its not a bad job. You usually don't have to sit behind a desk all day( atleast I don't, (not sure about the civilian sector) but anyway when I get out I probably will be doing the same thing. Good money in it. I can come back and work for the military as a civilian doing the same thing I am doing now and make about $80,000 a year.
Central, CA
I have worked in the IS/IT field for about 15 years and have done everything from programming to network cable installation. Gone are the days when "computer skills" meant automatic employment and high pay. When I graduated from college I passed up an opportunity to work for JPL (maybe not such a bad idea considering the way the Mars projects have gone). If I had to do it over again, I would probably become a pharmasist, average starting salary of $78K and based on the aging population, many people expect this to go up as demand increases. Either that or would apply with the CIA or FBI.
