The year is 2019...
Following her stunt at the Superbowl, Janet Jackson, has been banned from the entertainment business
and has fallen upon hard times. Unfortunately, she has spent almost all of her money on legal fees,
defending herself from the censors in Washington; D.C. She now works at a McDonalds,
in their drive-through window as a cashier.
Don't feel bad for her, Janet has a very tough personality.
She refuses to let her plight steal her spirit.
Following her stunt at the Superbowl, Janet Jackson, has been banned from the entertainment business
and has fallen upon hard times. Unfortunately, she has spent almost all of her money on legal fees,
defending herself from the censors in Washington; D.C. She now works at a McDonalds,
in their drive-through window as a cashier.
Don't feel bad for her, Janet has a very tough personality.
She refuses to let her plight steal her spirit.
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