
Heidelberg, Germany
Good luck.....just remember one thing while you are going through boot camp. (Its all a mind game). That's what got me through most of the crap at basic. Well atleast the yelling and stuff. The physical stuff is a different story.
Long Island, NY
but i want to go, lol it was my choice to go. i'm going to have a pretty good job when i'm in there, Aviation Electronics heh plus with all the benefits and me knowing i did something special in my life it all adds up.


1000 Post Club
Las Vegas, NV
I am going to have to make a very bold statement here so beware![paranoid] I have noticed that about ninety percent of the people that are severly anti military would have absolutely no chance in hell of actually succeeding in it if they tried it. Being in the military is a job. It is a job that gives you more pride than most other jobs, but it is a job just the same. Besides, even if you went infantry, you will have a better chance at getting a job when you get out for the shear fact that military people generally have about 2x the work ethics of people that have never experienced it. Have fun at the Island euro!
Pink_Floyd said:
Make sure you watch Full Metal Jacket before you go, that should get you ready for it :p
We watched that with my friend the night before he left for Paris Island. He was the one who wanted to watch it.

I've often thought about joining the military. I always go back and forth. Some days I really feel like I want to, and other days I don't think it's for me. I'm a fairly small guy. I'm 18 years old, 5'8", and 130 lbs. I see it as an adventure, and an adventure that would actually benifit me and my country. I have total respect for people in the military. Just the other night on History Channel I watched something on boot camp and basic training. I know I don't have what it takes for the marines, but army, navy, and af I could probably do. I know that if I had a chance of flying fighter jets, I'd join the Air Force in a heart beat, but I don't think I'd even come close to qualifying, so why try. here i go again, going back and forth. I'll stop talking now.
