Kerry's V.P. Edwards - the hidden story

John Edwards, Kerry's running mate, has been touted as a successful trial lawyer to lend "hard nosed" credibility for his postion as VP. But how many people know WHAT kind of trial lawyer he was? Answer: He was/is a medical malpractice specialist.

If you think health insurance is out of control, you should be very concerned if he becomes VP. If you are litigation happy, then you will probably favor him.

He won at least 94 cases, more than 60 of which were OB/GYN suits. He won a total of 61 malpractice cases for a total of $110 million. More Info

Why should you be concerned? New doctors are not going into lawsuit happy/high risk specialties, such as OB/GYN, orthopedics, neurology, etc. They are leaving states like Pennsylvania. Between the cost of insurance and the risk of frivolous lawsuits, it's not worth the effort.

Malpractice lawsuits are necessary where there is clear negligence. But TOO MANY lawsuits are filed because the doctor could not save/fix/correct a really bad case thru no negligence or fault. The reality part of life is that people get hurt, get sick and die. Doctors can't prevent that. Childbirth is DANGEROUS and can go bad through no fault of the doctor.

So my point is that Edwards, who made his millions and fame from medical lawsuits, will not be in favor of healthcare reforms, insurance reforms, frivilous lawsuit reform, excessive liability reforms, etc. Your insurance will continue to rise, coverage will get worse, and you'll be delivering your next child yourself, because all the doctors have gotten out of the obstetrics specialty.

Disclaimer: I hate frivilous lawsuits and litiguous people; my wife is a physician who thought seriously about OB/GYN but chose another specialty, specifically due to the litigation issues and outrageous malpractice insurance costs of OB/GYN.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
You make a very valid point. However, the insurance problems are far more widespread than this industry alone.

There are several cases filed by doctors against insurance companies as well alleging unfair practices that increase profits at the expense of physicians and patients.

I have not looked at anything from this industry for a while but I ordered some updates and for some reason I could not get them returned tonight. I hate to go too far into this without actual performance numbers and risk allocations because I am not too familiar with this industry.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
I read on the internet that Edwards dropped a baby in a garbage disposal shortly after delivery then sued the doctor for malpractice. Is that true? "If you are litigation happy, then you will probably favor him." Hell no. He doesn't care about people's health. He routinely stacked the juries with taliban sypathizers and used his mental tellepathy to overwhelm the judges. That he did it 61 times is evidence he is anti-American. Last year over 1,000,000 doctors were driven out of work. Doctors never leave sponges in people's stomachs, give me a break. It's been well reported in the Spartanburg Gazette that Edwards would hire for his side a friendly doctor whose name was....Whitegate. Damn Edwards. Damn him to hell.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
This is going to be an interesting thread. I remember reading the financial statements of malpractice insurance providers and shaking my head a couple of years ago when this insurance was a huge problem here.

My wife has also worked on all sides of this. She has worked directly for a huge insurer, a moderate health insurer, in addition to law firm experience in litigation against and for insurance companies. She is getting me some attorney opinions on this tomorrow from a firm that represents only insurance companies.

PS-We are insured through American Hardware at work. Our rates are outrageous, with a 20% increase this year and over 100% more than just 3 years ago and we have minimal losses.
Winston Salem, NC
Kirby, thank you very much for that information. I did not know this about Edwards. As you can imagine, I too am very concerned about this very topic.

If you come across more information, please post it.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
Another very vital health insurance issue to consider is pharmaceutical drugs, a huge factor in health insurance rates.

“As drug costs continue to rise rapidly, U.S. consumers are projected to spend more than $250 billion on prescription drugs by 2006, according to estimates by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
We're looking at anywhere from $4 to $9 million [in savings] [if purchased in Canada] on an annual basis in Springfield, Massachusetts," says Mayor Michael Albano. "A pretty good chunk of money that can be redirected into vital public services such as police, fire, public education."

"It's all about profit," says Thorkelson. "It's GlaxoSmithKline seeking to retain their higher profit margin in the United States. These are the same drugs, from the same manufacturer."
GlaxoSmithKline officials say they aren't backing down. The company says Canadian Internet Pharmacies have until Jan. 21 to stop selling drugs to Americans.

This is special interest at its best.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
There is information out there somewhere that compares what a pharmaceutical company can expect to make versus what a doctor can expect to make from a patient. On average the pharmaceutical company’s take is projected to be much larger on average and typical patient care.

If anyone can find this please let me know where you got it. Thanks! [wave]


Kirby, I don’t completely disagree with you on the points you bring up. However, I see this as arguing a point of who is worse the guy who robbed the bank on the east-side of town or the guy that robbed the bank on the west-side of town.
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Bryan330i said:
Kirby, I don’t completely disagree with you on the points you bring up. However, I see this as arguing a point of who is worse the guy who robbed the bank on the east-side of town or the guy that robbed the bank on the west-side of town.
I live on the east side of town, so cleary it's the east robber. [hihi]

Seriously, you are absolutely right. That's how I feel about this election. I am on the fence. There's things I like and dislike and despise about all four candidates, and I am having a hard time figuring out which way I will go. Unfortunately, my vote may go to the candidate that I think will do the least HARM, rather than the most good.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Kirby said:
I live on the east side of town, so cleary it's the east robber. [hihi]

Seriously, you are absolutely right. That's how I feel about this election. I am on the fence. There's things I like and dislike and despise about all four candidates, and I am having a hard time figuring out which way I will go. Unfortunately, my vote may go to the candidate that I think will do the least HARM, rather than the most good.
All joking aside, I'm with Kirby. I still haven't decide who the @$&^* I'm going to vote for. I'm pretty much sickened by the way both parties play fast and loose with the facts these days....not that politics really has ever been anything different.

As far as health care goes, it's a total mess from greedy doctors, to hmo's, to insurance companies, to pharmacuticals, to government medicare aid blah blah blah. You have lawyers who represent people on all sides of the fense. There's a plaintiff and a defendent, 12 jurors and a judge. If you can't win by playing by the rules, don't go crying to Washington to change the game. 200 years of simple trial by jury has to be upended to help insurance companies? And why blame the people who are injured or the 12 jurors who listened to both sides. Blame the lawyer because he won on the merits against a well funded insurance company lawyer?
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Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I am definitely decided and I’m sure it’s no secret. But I still struggle with issues due to an imperfect match for my perfect way of thinking. [joke] [fake]

I feel we are in for hard times if things don’t change. And I think the doctors are getting screwed, no question about it, and we are starting to pay a price for this and I fear the worst may be yet to come if something doesn’t change.

My wife has only worked around the insurance industry and has few kind words for these companies. She and her coworkers feel strongly that the doctors and patients are on the losing end and getting “hammered” by the insurance companies.

I haven’t had time to get the numbers yet but I still want to get them for St. Paul and a couple of others.

I did find an interesting report on premiums and claims/settlements that gives data for the last 30 years.
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Lincoln, CA
Kirby said:
That's the only info I know on Edwards. Who are the campaign backers?
They're pretty much all plaintiff's attorneys who make Edwards' tactics look like the work of an angel. Unfortunately, Bush (the other choice in this year's election) goes way too far for big corporations to the detriment of regular workers/the environment/etc. Means moderates like me have no one to vote for yet again.

Anyways, here's the article I found on another site. I've always been upset at plaintiffs lawyers group which is why I'm posting this pretty political article. I normally stay out of this crap since both sides usually stink to high heaven.

Edwards & Co.

John Edwards famously proclaims to all comers that he has no apologies about the cases he handled as a personal injury lawyer, which has not quite sufficed to prevent some of his best-known cases from coming under critical scrutiny.

In a Jan. 31 New York Times article, Adam Liptak and Michael Moss explored doubts about Mr. Edwards's lucrative specialty of blaming infants' cerebral palsy on mistakes by obstetricians, in particular their reluctance to perform caesarean sections. (C-section rates have skyrocketed under pressure from such suits, yet rates of cerebral palsy do not seem to have dropped as a result.)

In a Feb. 25 National Journal column, Stuart Taylor Jr. criticized Mr. Edwards's successful bid for $4 million in punitive damages against a trucking company after a crash, on top of $2.5 million in compensatory damages, Mr. Edwards's argument being that the company's practice of paying drivers by the mile had encouraged recklessness. (When he read the relevant passage of Mr. Edwards's book "Four Trials," Mr. Taylor happened to be sitting in the back of a taxi whose driver, like most cabbies, was being paid by the mile, an arrangement seldom deemed unconscionably careless.)

The Kerry campaign -- now trying vigorously to soften its running mate's business-bashing image -- counters that whatever grumblings may be heard from docs and other sore losers, Mr. Edwards at least wasn't the kind of plaintiff's lawyer who really gives the bar a bad name. He never sued whole industries in class actions, they've been pointing out, or grabbed big fees in cases where clients got peanuts. They might add that even his most vocal critics have not charged Mr. Edwards with using unethical means to chase business, or signing up people to sue who weren't really injured, or steering cases to "special" jurisdictions where he had a cozy relationship with the judge, or exploiting ties to political officials to shake the legal plum tree.

No, it's not Mr. Edwards who's done all those things -- it's many among his chief backers. What scares the daylights out of his business adversaries isn't just that Mr. Edwards is a seasoned trial lawyer who decided to switch careers, in the manner of Orrin Hatch, Ernest Hollings and others. It's that from day one he's been at pains to construct a tightly organized fund-raising and electoral machine whose dominant figures, with scarcely a known exception, are wealthy plaintiff's lawyers like himself. In fact, most of his key backers are drawn from the tiny handful of tort lawyers even more successful than he, sometimes by orders of magnitude. Mr. Edwards is estimated to have quit with $38 million, but that's pocket change to many veterans of the tobacco and asbestos wars.

Who are these men? A sampling:

Fred Baron. The Dallas-based lawyer, a key Democratic kingmaker, served as the Edwards campaign's finance chairman, and his firm of Baron & Budd was the senator's No. 2 donor; some see him as the Smiling One's single most important backer. A former president of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, he's already moved up to co-chair the key group coordinating Democratic and Kerry efforts, the Kerry-Edwards Victory '04 committee.
Mr. Baron also personifies many of the worst abuses of the asbestos litigation, which has already inflicted dozens of bankruptcies on American business and whose price tag is expected to spiral to $275 billion or more. Twenty years ago, the focus of this litigation was cases filed on behalf of seriously ill plaintiffs against companies that had played an important role in the asbestos trade; now, the docket is dominated by apparently unimpaired plaintiffs suing companies whose involvement with asbestos was comparatively peripheral. No firm is more closely identified with this shift than Baron & Budd, which has drawn fire from some plaintiff's firms (not to mention defendants) for its zeal in signing up outwardly unimpaired clients who then absorb money and court time that might otherwise have been devoted to the seriously ill.

It gets worse. In 1997 a junior Baron & Budd lawyer inadvertently handed over to opponents a 20-page memo entitled "Preparing for Your Deposition," which revealed exactly why the firm's clients so often testified in ways helpful to their legal case. "It is important to maintain that you NEVER saw any labels on asbestos products that said WARNING or DANGER," the memo advised. "Do NOT say you saw more of one brand than another, or that one brand was more commonly used than another. . . . You NEVER want to give specific quantities or percentages of any product names. . . . Be CONFIDENT that you saw just as much of one brand as all the others. All the manufacturers sued in your case should share the blame equally!" By dint of strenuous lawyering, Baron & Budd managed to weather the ethical firestorm, and Mr. Baron still defends his firm's conduct as lawful and proper.

John O'Quinn. Mentioned as a possible gubernatorial candidate in the Lone Star State, the Houston-based contingent-fee king is another of the senator's crucial Texas backers. (The state's Democratic Chair Charles Soechting, the first state party chair to endorse Mr. Edwards, happens to practice law at Mr. O'Quinn's firm.) Admired for his ability to control the emotional tone of trials, Mr. O'Quinn has regularly taken numbingly complex cases, including dry financial disputes, and emerged with awards that magically add a zero or two to the expected number on the damage form.
Ask the Dow Corning company of Midland, Mich., which recently emerged from bankruptcy after the spurious but wildly successful breast-implant litigation, of which Mr. O'Quinn was the chief impresario, reaping tens of millions even as science refuted the notion that silicone was causing autoimmune disease. Defendants complained that they couldn't get fair treatment in the Harris County courts, to whose judges Mr. O'Quinn had been a major contributor; the Texan's run-ins with disciplinary authorities over the use of "runners" to attract business have also been well publicized.

Tab Turner. Probably the best-known player in suits attempting to blame car crashes on automotive defects, the Little Rock-based Mr. Turner arouses unconcealed loathing from Detroit: In 2000, Ford V.P. for public relations Jason Vines called him "one of those sharks out there who think they've found the keys to the ATM" -- the sort of language one almost never hears from company PR operatives. Mr. Turner, whom a future Kerry/Edwards administration would do well to consult before picking a NHTSA administrator, has been closely identified with keeping alive the widely scoffed-at theory that subtle design flaws, especially in cruise control systems, cause "unintended acceleration" in cars. Coupled with the controversies over breast implants and the origins of cerebral palsy, this may keep life interesting for Kerry staffers who've been developing the theme that serious scientists prefer their candidate.
Mr. Turner's firm was responsible for one of the chief embarrassments to hit the Edwards campaign, when a law clerk stated publicly that firm higher-ups had assured staffers that they'd be reimbursed if they donated to the senator's White House run; the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section opened a criminal probe. Mr. Turner himself, puzzlingly, spoke to reporters as if he hadn't realized that the practice was unlawful. The Edwards campaign promptly announced that it was returning $10,000 in donations, which still leaves Turner & Associates as Mr. Edwards's No. 5 donor in the Center for Public Integrity's tally. Reporters have found a nationwide pattern of paralegals and office administrators at other law firms maxing out, even though some weren't registered to vote and others had lately suffered bankruptcies and other financial reverses. (All sides deny wrongdoing.)

Paul Minor. A key early backer and the 10th-ranked donor to Mr. Edwards's campaign, this former president of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association has been distracted lately by his indictment over charges of extortion, fraud and bribery in an influence-peddling scandal at the Mississippi Supreme Court. Trial is scheduled to begin Aug. 16 in Jackson. Mr. Minor denies all wrongdoing.
Famously unapologetic, the Edwards campaign merely shrugged this spring when Sen. Kerry's press secretary assailed the North Carolinian's White House bid as "wholly funded by trial lawyers." More remarkable yet was how Edwards's spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri had earlier responded to similar sniping: "We have no problem if 100% of our money came from trial lawyers." On the relatively few issues on which Mr. Edwards has taken a high profile in the Senate, agenda items for the trial bar (e.g., blocking limits on future post-terrorism lawsuits) have comprised a high share. There's every reason to believe that the men behind Mr. Edwards have a clear expectation of entering Washington next January as victors, and closer to the center of power than they've up to now dared to dream.

Mr. Olson, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is the author of "The Rule of Lawyers," just out in paperback from St. Martin's.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Manhattan Institute?!? I'd at least like to read something on Edwards from a group that doens't have him on their political enemies list. This is how that whole Whitewater thing got going last time around. Partisan conservative fringe-tanks.
Wayzata, MN
the truth behind John Edwards.....

he looks like a Male Flight attendant!@!$!#

back on track, politians are politians. its like that hotdog you try to cook over the fire REALLY fast, its all warm and good on the outside, but on the inside its cold..... cold as ice, with secrets about its contents that you KNOW exist, but you just DON'T want to know.
