ooo000HITMAN000ooo said:
im not a geek I really learned everything about my coputer by trial and lots of errors
i just really hate large groups of people.........and people that drive bmws and know nothing about bmw!!
same here. I taught myself EVERYTHING and can probably fix or find a way to fix your computer problem quicker than your local computer shop, and can definitely fix it faster than the average tech support guy at a company. (atleast from what i've seen...)
built my first computer the summer after 3'd grade (i really did build it with a LITTLE bit of help from my dad, but i did work at home and mowing lawns for my parents friends to make the money, and purchased parts from computer fairs and out of computer shoppers -- back when the computer shopper was an inch and a half thick.)
Now i'm teaching myself linux, perl, c++ (yea, i'm nuts), and networking (what i'm going in support my addiction to cars