As I am sure most here watch the news, what are your opinions on the controversy?
Personally, having known several Vets, one being my father, I am frustrated that he uses this in his campaign so heavily. There are thousands of Vets, and none of them boast about their medals, or use their sacrifice for political/social gain. About the closest thing to selfishness that I see in any war Vet is them just wanting you to know the sacrifice they made, and that you help them with their resulting disabilities, and this I dont find to be selfish at all. They just want to feel the gratitude of the public for their sacrifice.
However, Kerry seems to use this so much, that I find it sickening, and my opinion of his character and his integrity have fallen so far down, its like he is scum. I appreciate his sacrifice as anyone else does, and I'd shake his hand in sincere gratitude for what he did, but using this as an upper hand....even involving the person he 'saved', is just down right dirty. It makes me feel like he went to 'Nam thinking in advance to use this for his campaign. Its just wrong to me! And to consider that MAYBE he was lieing about being under fire, or whatever, only adds to the poorness of his character. I do not know that for sure, but the possibilty is disturbing.
Personally, having known several Vets, one being my father, I am frustrated that he uses this in his campaign so heavily. There are thousands of Vets, and none of them boast about their medals, or use their sacrifice for political/social gain. About the closest thing to selfishness that I see in any war Vet is them just wanting you to know the sacrifice they made, and that you help them with their resulting disabilities, and this I dont find to be selfish at all. They just want to feel the gratitude of the public for their sacrifice.
However, Kerry seems to use this so much, that I find it sickening, and my opinion of his character and his integrity have fallen so far down, its like he is scum. I appreciate his sacrifice as anyone else does, and I'd shake his hand in sincere gratitude for what he did, but using this as an upper hand....even involving the person he 'saved', is just down right dirty. It makes me feel like he went to 'Nam thinking in advance to use this for his campaign. Its just wrong to me! And to consider that MAYBE he was lieing about being under fire, or whatever, only adds to the poorness of his character. I do not know that for sure, but the possibilty is disturbing.