Anna Kournikova vs Maria Sharapova


2000 Post Club
Cleveland, OHIO
I asked Pavel and he said he's seen that movie, the only russian movie I've seen from the biggining to end is called "Ironia sudbe ely slohceam para", not really sure how to transate that into Eglish though. We watched that movie every year when we celebrated news years, was like a trdition. Any of the russians here seen that?


2000 Post Club
Cleveland, OHIO
This guys has a tradition of going to the steam room with his Friends every new years, he gets drunk there, and his Friends put him on a plane. He wakes up and thinks he is in his own city, so he takes a cab to his apartment, even though it's a different city the same apartment with the same address is there, and his key fits. So he comes in and falls asleep on the couch, then the lady that lives there comes home and they fight about who's house it is, they end up sitting and having tea together, then the boyfriend comes home and he thinks she is cheating on and he gets violent and leaves the women.. the drunk guy and the lady start celebrating the New Year and start to kiss. The drunk guy than goes back to his own city the next morning to confront his Soon-To-Be-Married wife and tells her that he met a better girl. The lady form the other city than comes to his city and marries him.
Sorry I was away and didn't participate in this thread much. I went away to this dude's weekend house in the mountains, you can't believe how fun it was. There is this really nice road going to the house, kinda like that Acura commercial when the guy agreed to buy a house just because of the road that goes to it. In some places it felt like a game, I'm not saying that I was going stupidly fast for unknown reason, I saying that it was beautiful like in a game. The road is surrounded by trees and because of the time of the year all the leaves were either red or yellow and some of the were falling right in front of me. It looked like NFS HP 2. The best thing about the whole weekend was that I had to drive 6 times on that road with no one in front of me. It was just awesome, the bimmer handles really good and has no body roll compared to other cars I've been in. I would love to go there again just because of that road. And all of that fun came without going insanely fast. Some of you may think that I put a lot of people in danger but I can tell you this, even if a cop was driving behind me, he wouldn't give me a ticket because I didn't do anything wrong. What I'm saying is, you can have fun while staying safe. BTW didn't Anna K. get an injury or something, it prevents her from practicing and stuff. I think I heard that somewhere.

junglestylz that car is really a new creation compared to the other cars, it's also really small, a lot smaller than a Toyota Echo. Believe it or not there is a car that is replica of a '63 or '64 FIAT that is still manufactured without changes. Some people even race them.
treadman said:
So I see this Maria Sharapova win a tennis tournament in Japan. The announcer's saying stuff like she's already got one thing Anna doesn't have: a tournament victory. And he says her looks are equal to Anna's. What cha think?

I don't see anything here! I just see a red X. could someone show me these pictures?
Ottawa, Canada
edgejuliano said:
I don't see anything here! I just see a red X. could someone show me these pictures?

LMAO! This thread is from last year, at least three people from this thread have been banned, talk about brining back from the dead lol.


UPDATE: may as well continue this, Sharapova won against Williams in that tournament [pray]
Atlanta, GA
I say Maria, she has a few more years to grow up and 'fill out', and she is very cute.. Best of all, she can WIN a tennis match..

She just won Wimbledon, and beat both the Williams sisters while there.. My vote is for the hot winner.. [:)]
