Election determines fate of nation

http://www.kvnews.com/articles/2004/10/19/manweller column/manweller column.txt

Election determines fate of nation

Published in the Daily Record on Oct. 6

By Mathew Manweller

Due to the high demand for this column, the Daily Record has decided to post it online. It is normally not the paper's policy to post opinion columns or editorials online. This column will remain on the site until Oct. 27. Should you want to purchase a print copy of it, please call (509) 925-1414. This content is owned by the Daily Record.

In that this will be my last column before the presidential election, there will be no sarcasm, no attempts at witty repartee. The topic is too serious, and the stakes are too high.

This November we will vote in the only election during our lifetime that will truly matter. Because America is at a once-in-a-generation crossroads, more than an election hangs in the balance. Down one path lies retreat, abdication and a reign of ambivalence.

Down the other lies a nation that is aware of it's past and accepts the daunting obligation its future demands. If we choose poorly, the consequences will echo through the next 50 years of history. If we, in a spasm of frustration, turn out the current occupant of the White House, the message to the world and ourselves will be two-fold. First, we will reject the notion that America can do big things. Once a nation that tamed a frontier, stood down the Nazis and stood upon the moon, we will announce to the world that bringing democracy to the Middle East is too big of a task for us. But more significantly, we will signal to future presidents that as voters, we are unwilling to tackle difficult challenges, preferring caution to boldness, embracing the mediocrity that has characterized other civilizations.

The defeat of President Bush will send a chilling message to future presidents who may need to make difficult, yet unpopular decisions. America has always been a nation that rises to the demands of history regardless of the costs or appeal. If we turn away from that legacy, we turn away from whom we are.

Second, we inform every terrorist organization on the globe that the lesson of Somalia was well-learned. In Somalia we showed terrorists that you don't need to defeat America on the battlefield when you can defeat them in the newsroom. They learned that a wounded America can become a defeated America. Twenty-four-hour news stations and daily tracing polls will do the heavy lifting, turning a cut into a fatal blow. Except that Iraq is Somalia times 10. The election of John Kerry will serve notice to every terrorist in every cave that the soft underbelly of American power is the timidity of American voters. Terrorists will know that a steady stream of grisly photos for CNN is all you need to break the will of the American people. Our own self-doubt will take it from there. Bin Laden will recognize that he can topple any American administration without setting foot on the homeland.

It is said that America's W.W.II generation is its 'greatest generation'. But my greatest fear is that it will become known as America's 'last generation.' Born in the bleakness of the Great depression and hardened in the fire of W.W. II, they may be the last American generation that understands the meaning of duty, honor and sacrifice. It is difficult to admit, but I know these terms are spoken with only hollow detachment by many (but not all) in my generation. Too many citizens today mistake 'living in America' as 'being an American.' But America has always been more of an idea than a place. When you sign on, you do more than buy real estate. You accept a set of values and responsibilities.

This November, my generation, which has been absent too long, must grasp the obligation that comes with being an American, or fade into the oblivion they may deserve. I believe that 100 years from now historians will look back at the election of 2004 and see it as the decisive election of our century. Depending on the outcome, they will describe it as the moment America joined the ranks of ordinary nations; or they will describe it as the moment the prodigal sons and daughters of the greatest generation accepted their burden as caretakers of the City on the Hill."

Mathew Manweller is a Central Washington University political science professor.
Wayzata, MN
no ones opinion counts or can be trusted these days. if maybe the media was a little more balanced we could watch the news and trust that what we see is a neutral ground news. this election will be a turning point. i really don't want the votes that are coming from p. diddy's mtv adds, if you need a famous rapper to pop up in your face to make you vote... man i don't even know what to say.

a good friend of mine once said "i hate everyone with an opinion because they are always wrong."

i got a good laugh out of that one.
Atlanta, GA
Well articulated editorial, good points, I guess I'm just seeing the other side of the points he made.

I do recall in 2000, that everyone said that THAT election was the one that would be the 'once-in-a-generation' election too. I think every election is just as important as the last personally, we can do a lot in 4 years with the right leadership.

And it's neither of these 2 a**clowns!! [:(]

Now's the time to clone a good dead president. Damn, that sounds like a good movie, watch out hollywood, here I come!


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
I'm leaving the 'states after I'm finished with college. It's going to suck either way, I'm hoping a little less if kerry wins.

Our country wouldn't be ripped apart like this if the government was actually doing a good job. I dont remember it being torn like this for any other election. So yea, we're fu*ked.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
Bryan330i said:
epj3 said:
I'm leaving the 'states after I'm finished with college. /QUOTE]

You may find this difficult. A number of countries are already beginning to take steps to prevent an influx of American citizens, mainly because of the terrorism issue and the lack of real US action to actually stop terrorism.
I know exactly what you mean. I know my post was kind of a worthless post, but I've found there's no point in arguing or making any kind of political statement here, no matter how true. The whole "well we're freeing people!!" thing always somehow outrules the other shit they pulled.

My only question goes to those who say kerry doesnt have a good plan. What about bush? He has all these plans to fix the country... WHY DIDN'T HE DO IT 2 YEARS AGO?
epj3 said:
What about bush? He has all these plans to fix the country... WHY DIDN'T HE DO IT 2 YEARS AGO?
Nicely put......I think we as a people have a tendency to forget the past and present when looking to the future. Don't forget that:
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
tool fan said:
Nicely put......I think we as a people have a tendency to forget the past and present when looking to the future. Don't forget that:
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Exactly. The biggest problem right now, in my opinion, is the media.

Anyone see Jon Stewart (Daily Show on comedy central) on crossfire? I think he's one of the smarter TV hosts at the moment - or at least the one who thinks things out and can say what he wants to say. It's a 13 minute clip but worth watching. He makes good points about the media.


http://www.ifilm.com/filmdetail?ifilmid=2653047 - Him talking about his appearance on crossfire on his show.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
///M SPEED said:
Bingo! The man hit it on the head. God forgive us if Kerry is elected. He scares the hell out of me.....
FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR....I do hope you can sleep at night.

I love these first time posters dropping their partisan bullsh@#$% on us.

Central Washing University....lol...check out their site...you can get in with an 11 on your ACT or 500 on the SAT. They're even having turmoil with accreditation issues...jeez...http://www.cwu.edu/president/5th-year.pdf


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
aNoodle said:
FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR....I do hope you can sleep at night.

I love these first time posters dropping their partisan bullsh@#$% on us.

Central Washing University....lol...check out their site...you can get in with an 11 on your ACT or 500 on the SAT. They're even having turmoil with accreditation issues...jeez...http://www.cwu.edu/president/5th-year.pdf
Wow that's less than my school which is a tech-focused college (it's a real college, not a tech school.... i get to do all the liberal arts classes [rolleyes])


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Oh....it gets better! Here's the author's bio...he's not even a tenured professor. http://www.cwu.edu/~pres/minutes/03-05-09.html "Assistant Professor; BA in Economics from Whtiman College; MA in Political Science from the University of Montana; PhD in Political Science from the University of Oregon in 2003. Matt's research interests focus on constitutional law, democratic theory, and political economy. His more important skills and interests include fly fishing, backpacking, and ultimate frisbee. Matt's decision to move to Ellensburg represents a lifelong effort to stay as far away as possible from any city with a population over 50,000." http://www.cwu.edu/~polisci/faculty.html

His website (http://www.cwu.edu/~manwellerm/) links you to "Brainwashing 101 is a provocative short film showing how universities use tools such as "speech codes" to force political views upon students. In this cutting exposé, documentary...." Hmmmm, so his editorial is doing what exactly?!?

Check out his pic! "This November, my generation, which has been absent too long..." He's no generation Xer serving in Iraq. Looks to be another baby boomer, don't think he went to his generations war (though looks like some of his collegues did serve in Vietnam).

Here are some of his thoughts on why, at Central Washington University in Ellenburg, there is no polling place for 7,460 students in a town of about 16,000 people....."Some of them are conservatives and they say they don't need to waste their vote on the east side, and they use their vote strategically on the west side, where a Republican vote is worth more." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA%20Where's%20the%20Students%3F

His partisan rant even made the "Soapbox Alert" on Congress.org . http://congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=6551156&content_dir=ua_congressorg

Interesting....to give you an idea why this nonsense would be spreading....check out "Americas #1 Conservative Community" and get an idea who's behind signing up to this board and posting this as their first post. http://www.rightnation.us/forums/index.php?showtopic=56541 They're worse than junk email companies.
Bryan330i said:
I just wish Bush would be straighter on terrorism. The war in Iraq IS NOT the war on terror. The war on terror can only be an International effort comprised of numerous nations.
Yes, the war in Iraq IS is a war on terror.


First of all, the 9/11 Commission arrived at the conclusion that there was no collaborative effort between Iraq and al-Qaida on the 9/11 attacks.

Reports of subsequent contacts between Iraq and al-Qaida after bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan “do not appear to have resulted in a collaborative relationship,”

However, the 9/11 Commission Report has listed numerous instances where Hussein and bin Laden had been in communication with each other. Among those were concerns expressed by Clinton's counterterrorism chief, Richard Clarke.

In February 1999, according to the report, the CIA wanted to conduct U-2 surveillance missions over bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan. However, Clarke was worried that doing so might scare bin Laden into leaving the country — and going to Iraq. If that happened, the report says, Clarke feared that bin Laden's "entire network would be at Saddam Hussein's service"

YES -- Hussein and bin Laden were in communication with each other.
YES -- Huesein posed a threat to the United States.

Besides, what about all of these American citizens being beheaded by Iraqi militants? YES -- We are engaged in a war in Iraq against terror.

You mention that it can be only an International effort. Are you suggesting that we have to wait until more attacks against the U.S. have been made, before the U.N. finally gets around to have a few summit meetings, to form a committee to determine the impact of these attacks, to arrive at a recommendation that will be brought to a vote, that... In other words, do you really have faith that the U.N. will do anything to stop terrorism?

Back in September of 2001, Bush warned us of a long war against terrorism. He asked for our patience and unwavering commitment. I gave him my trust, then. I give him my trust, now.
aNoodle said:
Oh....it gets better! Here's the author's bio...he's not even a tenured professor.
Are you a some sort of elitist? Are you suggesting that if a person doesn't have a respected pedigree or possess a degree from a widely-known university, then his words carry no merit?

Judge the man by his words and opinions, not his resume!
