indy_85stariones said:
But Kirby on the other hand, has a friend who has a problem controlling his anger. His friend could easily walk into your mother's place of employment and place 3 bullets into your mother's head -- all the while three of your mother's co-workers witness the whole event, unable to believe what their own eyes have seen.
Epj3, I am curious, what do you believe is the appropriate consequence of Kirby's friend's bad behavior?
OK, I will finish my thoughts and answer my own question.
Backing up a little bit, I am very disappointed about what happened in New York and Washington DC on Sept 11th and the resulting events afterwards. I am saddened by the loss of lives here in the U.S. and the loss of lives overseas -- both in our military and foreign civilians. But my disappointment lies with the lost opportunities made available after Republicans obtained control of both the House of Rep and Presidency in year 2000. I can't remember the last time this situation occurred. I am fairly sure that the Democrats had control of the House under Bush Sr. I am defintely sure that the Democrats had control of the House under Reagan.
What opportunites were lost? The time and energy used to declare a War on Terror could have been used to refine our Economic Policy, and our reforms on Education and Health Care. Even opportunites were lost here in our discussion board. Instead of narrowing our discussion to Bush's shortcomings with his Exit Strategy in Iraq, our discussion could have been about other things. Things like refinement of our tax system and refinement of our Judicial System.
When I read in John Kerry's website about the injustices in our tax system, all of us could roll up our sleeves and discuss the specific areas in our tax system that aren't fair to the lower income earners, aren't fair to the middle income earners, and aren't fair to the rest. Rather than just speaking in general terms -- Bush's Tax Cuts only benefit the Rich -- we could discuss details like whether the $76,000 income ceiling for Social Security and Medicare should be raised.
The same thing happened here with our Judicial System. All of us jumped back to discussing the current events in Iraq.
All of this being said, I would like to finish my thoughts on this topic -- What should happen to Kirby's friend in this scenerio?
Obviously, the Death Penalty could be an appropriate consequence for his action. It would be an effective deterant. Kirby's friend would be dead, so he would never become a repeat offender. Other people having thoughts about murdering someone would have to re-think their thoughts (Uh-oh, if I kill someone, I may end up being killed myself), before actually following thru with their crime.
I would like to introduce another variable -- forgiveness.
The judge sentences Kirby's friend to the death penalty, with one year probation. This would give Epj3 time to think about the loss of his mother and Kirby's friend to think about the crime that he committed.
Kirby's friend would be allowed to perform an act of retribution. That is, he is given an opportunty to help Epj3 recover from the loss of his mother. This could be as simple as offering to pay expenses to maintain her grave at the cemetary -- maybe set up a fund which family members could draw from to pay for flowers. This could be as complex as helping to pay for Epj3's college education.
One key variable here is Kirby's friend's regret and remorse for the pain that he inflicted into Epj3's life. The other variable is Epj3's ability to forgive him.
To complete this scenerio, a year later, both Kirby's friend and Epj3's family return back to the courtroom. Remember, Kirby's friend has already been sentenced to the death penalty.
The judge evaluates the sincerity of Kirby's friend's regret and remorse. In other words, has Kirby's friend asked for forgiveness thru his actions.
If Kirby's friend has not demonstrated any actions seeking for forgiveness, the Judge orders the execution of the death penalty. Epj3 has no say in this, because a person has to ask for forgiveness before his victim can be allowed to forgive him.
If the Judge discerns that Kirby's friend has demonstrated any action of regret and remorse. the Judge turns to Epj3 (and his family) and asks whether they forgive him for taking his mother's life.
Epj3 (and his family) have the option to determine the fate of Kirby's friend's life. If he is able to forgive him, Kirby's friend can return back to civilized life.
If he is not able to forgive him, Kirby's friend's sentence is executed.
What do all of you think about this scererio ever happening in real life?