V President's gay child

Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
aNoodle said:
Issues don't really matter to most voters, it's just Coke vs. Pepsi.

That is so true!

It’s like Chevy vs. Ford: “Built Ford tough” and “Like A Rock.”

Or Bud vs. Coors, or 49rs vs. Raiders, it’s about having a team in a way.

Like my friend said, in theory the goal of the party system is to create a mindset just like sending pigs to slaughter, one follows the other never questioning.

Then there are the rest, the free thinkers, those that are as difficult as keeping frogs in a wheelbarrow. .
Atlanta, GA
Bryan330i said:
The Republican tax plans have been particularly brutal to those single persons without children that earn any type of income past the lower brackets. Unfortunately, this is going to be even more pronounced under Bush or Kerry. Basically, if you make $75, $100, or $150 annually you are screwed either way. Clinton had a bit more sympathy for the professional wage earner that was not married and did not have children but this did not get too far.

I will take my new tax deductions (almost have 2003 taxes done after 2 extensions) and it will be interesting to see how everything falls in place. However, I am still not sold on the tax plan that asks people like you, My Harley, to bear an unfair burden because you don't have the same deductions.

My wife and I were in this position for 12 years and it's the segment everyone ignores, Clinton being the exception, and it's the segment that will continue to shoulder an unfair portion of the tax burden while marriage and child tax credits continue to increase.
[sing] Here comes .02 times 10.

Child tax credits had better increase, or people are going to stop having kids, and there won't BE a country! Wages are down, jobs are 'still' not where they were 4 years ago.. Yet the cost of living is still going up. Yes, people with kids need bigger breaks.

Raising a child is EXPENSIVE. Daycare itself can go from $600-$1000 a month, not to mention food, clothes, god forbid you buy your kids some TOYS or something. Planning for their future education? Better get on it from day 1. God forbid your kid gets sick! Got insurance?

I have no sympathy for any single (or married w/ no kids) family making 75k or more a year getting a tax hike. Until this year, my wife and I were in that bracket - and living (and saving) just fine. Anyone making that sort of money can pay a little more, to keep enjoying their single way of life. And please enjoy yourself being single! I'm also not saying that 'because you don't have kids we're going to pick on you and tax you more', but rather 'because you are furthering yourself and not the human race by pro-creating, we're going to take more of your 'play' money to help balance things out for everyone'. On an individual level, that really doesn't sound fair, but in the overall scheme of things it makes perfect sense to me, especially now having been on 'both sides of the fence'.

On gay marriages - sure allow them, and sure, allow them the same tax breaks a family w/o kids gets. Short of that, why should gay/lesbian couples get anything more than straight people? being gay is not a race, it's a psychological difference that makes THEM different, in no way does that justify distinction as being a seperate RACE.

Should they be allowed to raise children? I'm still out on that one personally. I do realize that a gay couple can raise a child, and not impart their sexual tendacies on a child. I also realize, that this is QUITE a possible thing to happen, and I would suspect more likely to happen than not. Children are open books that absorb the world around them, especially from their parents/providers. A adopted child, could have 2 incredible gay parents, who give him/her everything they could want, and raise him/her to be an outstanding person. This child, with 2 great parents, is going to absorb and become his parents to a degree (as we all do). And if he/she decides to be gay because of that? Have we then done this child a greater dis-service? Arguably not, because this child was raised to be a good person, and likely will be. But, chalk up another non-reproducer, and that is where I'm 'undecided'. Is it fair to give direction in life to another, if you yourself are 'outside' of nature's normal patterns? (substutite 'crackhead' for 'gay' at any point above, to see my point.) Is it better for this poor child, to not have a family, but rather be raised in foster care? I'm still out on this one, my heart says no, give the kid a family, my gut says yes, better to learn the world on your own, then to learn a rather jaded view of it.

Last time I checked, the single most important thing that decides if you are homosexual, was your sexual preference for same-sex relationships. Last time I checked, guys don't have ovaries in their butts, and women don't have any hidden body parts that can impregnate others. Say what you want, but until someone is born like that, then homosexual activies in my book are against nature and the way of the world at large. Now being 'against nature' doesn't make you bad, just different, and possibly (in my mind) the wrong person to raise another life.

I have to agree with brian330i about the 'gay brain' debate. So far, it's not been shown to be genetic. So, where do 'gay people' come from, what makes them gay? Hmmmm, maybe their ENVIORNMENT. And yes, that means anything from how they were raised, to what they were taught (right from wrong, 1+1=2, etc), to life experiences, to even possible hormonic imbalances. Heck, they could just be a weak willed, sorry a** person who can't make a decision to save their life, and is just latching to a stronger person for comfort (even it it makes them 'homosexual').

I'm all for anyone being whatever they want to be, as long as it does not impinge on my rights, or those of others as already set down. That includes children!

I'd say I'm getting off my soapbox, but I seem to have flattened it down to toothpicks.. [scratch]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I see your point on taxes 8, I pay $1,580.00 per month in child care/school expense for 2 two-year-olds.

I’m almost finished with my “Bush: Part II” predictions should he be reelected. I nailed the first term 100%, without even a slight mistake. If he is reelected expect more of the same, but with a much greater exploitation of labor and decreased standard of living.
Atlanta, GA
I cringe to see what your predictions are, if you nailed the past 4 years on the head.

I'd give up BMW's for life if I knew 100% that it would cause Bushy to not get re-elected.. and that's asking ALOT of me!! [;)]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I will post the key points that are my opinion .

Those in 2000 were centered on stock market, insurance, energy, pharmaceuticals, employment and trade. But Bush is very predicable in these areas; it was so obvious that these were the key markets that would be bathing in $$$$$.

I have been tasked with a more extensive challenge this time with more issues.
Houston, Texas
Section_8 said:
I have no sympathy for any single (or married w/ no kids) family making 75k or more a year getting a tax hike. Until this year, my wife and I were in that bracket - and living (and saving) just fine. Anyone making that sort of money can pay a little more, to keep enjoying their single way of life. [scratch]
You are so funny with that comment.......I have no sympathy for people who have kids that cant afford them.....I really dont think we are in trouble with the race when there are 1000's of children who need to be adopted and with many people having 6 and 7 children who cant afford 1, why should I pay for that, having children is a choice, if you want to procreate, go ahead, but be willing to pay for it, some people cant have children for various reasons so you think they should pay more because its not physically possible.

There's a thing thats been around for a very long time..........birth control.....use it or be willing to pay. [clap] [clap] Birth control is also free at any county clinic for the asking..........if its against your religion, be celebate........I prefer practicing procreation without actually creating.......so I'll keep my $75,000++ income..
Atlanta, GA
A year ago I'd be whole heartedly agreeing with you Lisha - strange how experiences change your perspective.

It shouldn't cost 'me' an arm and a leg to have a child, that's again a part of our 'system' that is flawed. The taxes you pay because you are single make it so that:

1. those with kids these days can at least 'try' to afford them.
2. if the world ever tosses you a curveball and you have kids, well guess what we have a nice tax break for you so you don't go broke or die working 3 jobs to afford them.
3. As you put it, there are alot of people out there with kids - not all of them were expected, or wanted (and I don't mean just the ones with no family or home). Failure of birth control, rape, ignorance. Now isn't it nice that we have a tax break for these folks too? The kids don't know better, and they shouldn't be punished for 'being here'.

You're right, it is a choice to have children - or not. Usually.

Like I said, for a few years I was in that bracket, seeing money disappear due to taxes, and was a bit PO'ed (Someone shoot that guy FICO!). But I wasn't hurting for anything, I had anything I could desire (within reason). To look back and think to myself 'you know, that extra money that went to taxes went into the 'system' to eventually help me out 'now' that I have kids.. Yay!'

Basically what I'm saying is - if you have that kinda money or more, and have made use of the democratic system we have to make yourself *more* than comfortable (75k or more I guess is that magic cutoff, according to the GOV) - moreseo than 90% of the country's population.. Why not feel good about paying taxes instead of moaning?

Holy crap, did I just say you should feel good about paying taxes?? (Hmm, I have goosebumps right now!) [;)]

But you are right, I have no sympathy for anyone making 75k that can't afford a kid! (But what about the other 90% of the population, a good percentage of which 'do' want kids?)
Houston, Texas
I still think you're funny.......

on another note, do you know how much money us single people have paid in purchasing every type of candy and fund raiser for schools and churches known to mankind, every baby shower for the first, the second and a lot of times a third kid.....then come the birthday parties, sweet 16 parties, graduation gifts, then the child marries, then has a baby.....my gosh where will it end........I'm laughing of course, I also have a niece and nephew who are spoiled, so I dont want higher taxes because I'm already giving a big chunk away......

do you think I'm funny now??
Atlanta, GA
Nope, just realistic even if you don't think so, but I know you're 'funny' too! [;)]

On another note - I was a tribal shaman in another life. how does 'that' impact my election vote? [:D] [:D]
Bryan330i for Pres and Section 8 for VP....y'all have my vote and Lisha....you can be the first Female Secretary of Defense, Tom is the Speaker of the Forum...I mean House, and Big Daddy is the Surgeon General. Hell America is a better place to live already...so long as we can hire Chris Bangle to design ALL the cars made around the world. HAHAHAHA
Atlanta, GA
Can I just take the pay and the un-named bonuses that apply, call it a day, and go hang out in Oklahoma w/ Cheney and count the windfalls from my oil shares?

Shocking how oil prices are almost $15 dollars higher a barrel in the past month than the previous record, ever. It couldn't be say... political oil mongerers trying to squeeze a buck out before the election, would it?

Ok probably not, but once you've been let down (and let down, and let down, and LET DOWN) it's hard to feel good about someone..

(ok, my very first low punch, I promise no more..)
